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Saturday, December 17, 2011

Randy on Voting

Today is Election Day

From Thomas Jefferson to the present Worcester City Council, we have held our American democracy upright. The U.S Constitution is the longest continuous document of governing in world history. It is our gift to ourselves and to the world.

Self-government, the liability to choose one’s own leader is the most significant contribution to the world our country has made. The United States Constitution, a piece of paper, governs enough of who we are that no military coup, no dictator, no king or queen has ever attempted to take away our ability to rule ourselves.

And to keep it, all we have to do is vote. That our sacred responsibility to continue the liberty given to us. The liberty for which people fought a Civil War, World Wars I & II, the Vietnam War, and others. The liberty for which people who came here before fought the American Revolution to give us the liberty to vote.

We need to be good Americans to carry forward the democracy given to us by our American forbearers. We need to vote today. We have a responsibility to our history.

Just as we have the responsibility to go to work every day to provide ourselves and out family, just as we have the responsibility to take care of our children and elderly parents, just as many of us fell as responsibility to act right or moral or go to church, synagogue, mosque, or temple, we have the responsibility to our democracy. Do not fail yourself and the rest of us today. Go out and vote.

This is Randy Feldman on WCRN’s Midday Report. Hear more of my commentary on my website bigmouthmanifesto.com

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