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Monday, November 7, 2011

A Bold Vision for Senator Warren's Agenda (Originally Posted On 8/12/2011 On BlueMassGroup.com)

Elizabeth Warren should have a five point plan for America’s future that is as bold as her past work. It should state:

· Income inequality is the greatest economic and moral problem in the United States. Not since the 1920’s have the rich and middle class been so separated.

· Campaign finance reform is the only way to take political power from the moneyed class and return it to the people.

· The Federal government should only finance three years of education for a bachelor’s degree, encouraging universities to change its degree requirement from four to three years, thus saving families and the government tens of thousands of dollars per student.

· Announce that politics is not about “bringing home the bacon;” not only refusing to be that type of politician but also shaming other politicians who hold such a view. Perhaps even starting a Grover Norquist-style pledge, as naïve as that sounds, not to make bringing more money back to one’s district or state as the primary purpose of politics would be a valued leadership project.

· For three years only changing the amortization schedules to allow businesses who add buildings and equipment to amortize their cost over significantly less than the present schedules allow, thus encouraging the private sector to put construction and manufacturing workers to work immediately. The federal government should also encourage state governments to incentivize commercial and industrial construction by crediting local municipalities who do not tax the increased value of these newly constructed buildings and equipment for a number of designated years.

These bold suggestions would both change America for the better and appeal to the independent voters Elizabeth Warren will need to defeat Scott Brown.

Randy Feldman

Randy Feldman is a Worcester based immigration lawyer and political commentator on WCRN AM 830 and Charter TV’s Central Mass Chronicles.

Re-posted from BlueMassGroup.com

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